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Niantic finally reverted the Pokemon GO COVID interaction radius after player boycott

In a move to end Pokemon GO player boycott, Niantic finally reverted the Pokemon GO COVID interaction radius after player boycott. The company has stated that they made a mistake by increasing the Pokemon GO GO Interaction Radius last month. Since then, many players have been boycotting the title.

A Pokemon GO player named “Kwibillo” noticed that Niantic had previously limited the interaction radius of Pokémon GO’s (app) companions to a distance of 2 meters. This was to prevent players from constantly recruiting, and it was limited to be consistent with the distance that the player was willing to walk for a Pokémon encounter. This limited interaction radius was removed last week, which led to a backlash of negative feedback on social media.

The Pokemon GO community has been obsessed with how to smooth out the interactions between their character’s Pokemon GO COVID cards and the game. This has been an issue since the game debuted, even before that it was apparent that certain part of the game’s technical implementation was not working. A year after the game’s release, the issue still hadn’t been addressed properly, to the point that players were convinced that Niantic was intentionally causing them inconvenience to make them buy special Pokemon GO COVID cards.


The Pokemon GO community’s retaliation to Niantic’s gym/Pokestop issue seems to have had some fangs after all. While the community – and we – had pushed for COVID-related improvements to remain long before the specifics surfaced, we never expected Niantic’s nerfing of interaction distance to be among the first perks to go, particularly since we were promised they’d be staying for “the foreseeable future.” That nerf infuriated players and content producers, not just because of the continuing epidemic, but also because the initial improvements improved accessibility, both in terms of player movement and effect on real-world places.

Niantic, on the other hand, finally did it yesterday night.


While Niantic has solicited feedback in the past to fix errors, this specific endeavor took months. This adjustment happened a week before Niantic was supposed to disclose anything. That’s correct, the modification is currently in effect. While the company has said that “the basic interaction radius for PokéStops and Gyms worldwide will be 80 meters,” there is still more to be revealed on September 1st. While we are concerned that users may be required to pay a subscription or anything in exchange for this, we believe that for the time being, gamers will be more likely to stop the boycott and return to playing the game regularly – putting money back into Niantic’s coffers.

Additional reading:


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