The latest patch for Battlefield 2042 is a big one, with the biggest change being that players can now choose their favorite weapon in-game. Additionally, the developers are making improvements to balance and weapons performance.
Battlefield 2042 update 3.1 is out now, and it includes a lot of changes to the game, such as new weapons, new vehicles, improvements to the graphics, and more.
On December 9, Battlefield 2042’s version 0.3.1 will be released, with the patch notes showing enhancements to the game’s soundtrack as well as several weapon and vehicle modifications.
Update 0.3.1, which comes quick on the heels of Battlefield 2042’s largest patch yet, continues to fix bullet dispersion and recoil problems while also delivering a number of vehicle adjustments.
The recoil of the AK24, LCMG, and PP-29 are among the guns whose recoil will be modified to avoid extremely forceful leaps.
Hipfire accuracy on SMGs will be improved, and the reload animation on the DXR-1 and NTW-50 will take 0.2 seconds longer to complete.
There will also be a patch for an issue that made players invisible to attackers, and Kaleidoscope will no longer have a rooftop capture goal in Breakthrough mode.
Check out the whole list of improvements coming to Battlefield 2042 in Update 0.3.1, as reported in the official website of publisher Electronic Arts:
- While in a queue, players who are not the Party Leader may now cancel.
- Xbox – In the Options menu on Xbox, you may now activate or disable cross-play.
- When you reload the Battlefield: Portal Server Browser, your Sort preferences will be saved properly.
- Fixed an issue where loadouts on the spawn screen after joining a server were occasionally empty, blocking weapon selection.
- Aim Assist has been improved to be more consistent during console games.
- Ranger’s effective fighting range has shrunk, as has his total health.
- The whole audio experience has been tweaked to increase clarity, distance, and directional awareness.
- Soldiers were not always playing indoor particular footsteps, which was fixed.
- When shooting underbarrel grenades at short ranges, the bounce has been removed.
- Vehicles are now correctly damaged by 40mm AP Grenades.
- Fixed an issue where certain guns were showing incorrect ammunition counts for specified magazines.
- The reload animation on the DXR-1 and NTW-50 Bolt Action rifles has been improved by 0.2 seconds.
- Most weapons’ dispersion settings have been adjusted, resulting in a quicker dispersion drop while tap shooting or firing in short bursts.
- The dispersion of most weapons has been adjusted. Weapons now take a little longer to become excessively imprecise under prolonged firing.
- For the AK24, LCMG, PKP-BP, SFAR-M GL, and PP-29, recoil parameters were adjusted to minimize very violent recoil leaps.
- All SMGs have improved hip fire accuracy to help them stand out from other automatic weapon genres.
- LMG dispersion and recoil have been reduced to enhance sustained firing performance.
- Additional recoil control enhancements for all guns, particularly automatic rifles.
- When employing Buckshot Shells or Flechette Shells, the MCS-880 has increased its close range damage and consistency.
- For the SFAR-M GL and the K30, an issue that allowed bullets to be discharged below the player’s sights has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where vehicle weapons didn’t always provide blast damage when struck directly.
- We’re lowering the efficacy of Ground Vehicle 30mm Cannons against infantry. It now overheats more quickly, does somewhat less fire and blast damage, and deals more fall off damage at a distance.
- Fire Rate 350 -> 330
- 0.13 -> 0.14 Heat Per Bullet
- 0.5 -> 0.475 Heat Drop Per Second
- 20 -> 18 Blast Damage
- 40mm GPL Grenade Launcher LCAA Hovercraft
- Blast Damage has been reduced from 55 to 35.
- It’s now simpler to employ the 40mm Utility Pod’s higher firing angle.
- EBAA Wildcat 57mm Cannon EBAA Wildcat 57mm Cannon EBAA Wildcat 57mm Cannon
- Dispersion was removed.
- 12 ammo -> 8 ammo
- Impact Damage has been reduced from 85 to 75.
- 70 -> 35 Blast Damage
Frag Grenade is a kind of grenade that is used to
- After a heavy impact, the time it takes to explode a Frag Grenade has been increased from 1.1s to 1.4s.
- Frag Grenades now do 120 damage across all game styles and ensure a kill against armored players as well.
- The maximum ammunition account for Frag and Incendiary Grenades has been reduced from two to one.
Proximity Sensor
- Reduced the spotting radius from 30 to 20 meters.
- Uptime was reduced from 30s to 14s.
- The number of Prox Sensors a player may carry and deploy has been reduced from two to one.
Hazard Zone on the Battlefield
- The wandering Occupying Forces LATV4 Recon was spawning at the incorrect times or not at all due to a bug.
- Rooftop Capture Objective has been deleted from Kaleidoscope. In BT big, there are now two Capture Objectives at the bottom, and one in BT small.
- Rooftop Capture Objective has been deleted from Orbital. In both BT big and BT small, there is now a single Capture Objective at the bottom.
- Rooftop Capture Objective has been removed from the game. In both BT big and BT small, there is now a single Capture Objective at the bottom. In addition, an issue where players were spawning beyond of limits has been resolved.
- Back pedaling into things while in the prone position has improved.
- When spawning on a full/destroyed vehicle, a rare bug caused players to become invisible.
Battlefield 2042 is currently available on PC, Xbox One, PS5, and PS4.
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Watch This Video-
The “battlefield 2042 update 3 time” is a patch that was released on December 27, 2018. The new update includes improvements and bug fixes.
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